6 Squadron RAF, Ma'Asker RAF Cemetery & Habbaniya War Cemetery
Ma'Asker Al Raschid (Hinaidi) Cemetery Restoration - Stage 1
The photographs on this page are of the Rasheed Cemetery (originally the Hinaidi RAF Peace Cemetery and later the Ma' Asker Al Raschid Cemetery), taken prior to, during and after the construction of a new perimeter wall around that was completed at the end of October 2021. The top four photos show the appalling condition of the graves prior to the work being carried out. Note that the cemetery adjoins a large rubbish dump, used for household waste and building rubble. Rubbish is strewn over the cemetery and most of the headstones have been pushed over, defaced, damaged or displaced. Until October 2021, a busy access track ran diagonally across the south-eastern corner of the cemetery, used by Iraqi trucks to access the nearby Al Rasheed military air base (the path of the track is visible in the 5th photograph below).