6 Squadron RAF, Ma'Asker & Habbaniya Cemeteries
Ma'Asker Al Raschid (Hinaidi) Cemetery Restoration - Stage 2
This page is under development and will be updated as progress is made
The next phase of the restoration project, the moving of the surviving headstones to one side of the new perimeter wall and levelling the cemetery grounds has been sent out for quotes, with the contractor who organised the construction work in Stage 1 providing the cheapest quote for this work and approval given to proceed in early December 2022. However, a temporary halt was placed on this work in early January 2023 when the JCC (Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre) reaffirmed that the CWGC would not be in a position to address even temporary improvements until the 23/24 UK financial year (viz. until April 23).
As a prelude to the levelling of the site, the contractors have excavated several of the concrete foundation strips to verify the accuracy of the dimensions of the cemetery as well as to inspect the condition of those areas affected by the gravel track used by Iraqi lorries prior to the new perimeter wall being erected in October 2021 (see photos below).
After an hiatus of twelve months, things are finally moving at Ma’Asker. The erection of a new wall around the cemetery in October 2021 succeeded in making the cemetery secure for the first time in decades, but ironically created a new problem with regards drainage. In 2022 a burst water main caused the cemetery to be partially covered in water for a couple of months and more recently in early 2023 water from heavy rains were trapped inside the cemetery grounds and it took months for it to completely drain away. After recent talks between the MoD and the CWGC, the services of a local contractor were secured in December 2023 to carry out a thorough site survey in order to recommend the best way to mitigate future drainage problems. The next step is for the MoD/JCCC/CWGC to arrange for the remediation of the site using local expertise before making a decision regarding the timing and extent of the next phase of renovation.
So far (November 2024), no progress at all has been made . . . . . . . . .