6 Squadron RAF, Ma'Asker & Habbaniya Cemeteries
This page contains photographs taken of or by members of 6 Squadron as well as items belonging to 6 Squadron during WW1, from 1914 to 1919. They come from various sources and I have acknowledged copyright where appropriate. As the collection grows, I will attempt to identify more of the subjects and locations. If you are able to provide more details for any of these photographs or have other photographs of 6 Squadron from the WW1 period that I can reproduce here, I would be very pleased to hear from you via the Contact page.

6 Squadron wireless workshop lorry (Fred Johnstone wearing headphones)

WW1 Royal Flying Corps papers for Sergeant Ernest Handley

Group photograph of 6 Squadron Officers, taken in Autumn 1918. Copyright Pat Sleightholme (nee Mottershaw)

Group photograph of 6 Squadron Sergeants, taken in Autumn 1918. Copyright Pat Sleightholme (nee Mottershaw)

6 Squadron's mobile photographic laboratory. Copyright Beccles and Bungay Museum.

Schematic diagram of a WW1 wireless set used in aircraft

6 Squadron soccer team (1917) and the men of one of the flights (1918)

My grandfather, Corporal Fred Johnstone 6 Squadron, pouring tea - the event described in 'For God, England and Ethel'

After a total solo flight time of 31 hours 40 minutes, Lt D S 'Jimmy' Glover was posted to 6 Squadron RFC at Abeele. This is the first page of his pilot's log whilst on active service. Copyright Rob Glover

This is the second page of the pilot's log of Lt D S 'Jimmy' Glover after being posted to 6 Squadron RFC in June 1917. Note the mention that Lt Tyler was awarded the Military Cross on 17th July. Copyright Rob Glover

This is the third page of the pilot's log of Lt D S 'Jimmy' Glover after being posted to 6 Squadron RFC in June 1917. Note the mention of the deaths of Lts M W Briscoe and O L Burt on the 23rd July - they were shot down during a combat, crashing in flames on the allied side of the lines. Copyright Rob Glover

After a total solo flight time of 31 hours 40 minutes, Lt D S 'Jimmy' Glover was posted to 6 Squadron RFC at Abeele. This is the first page of his personal pilot's log whilst on active service - see also the photo of his official squadron log. Copyright Rob Glover

This is the second page of the personal log of Lt D S 'Jimmy' Glover after being posted to 6 Squadron RFC in June 1917. See also the photo of the official squadron log for this period. Copyright Rob Glover

Actual RFC Casualty Report for personnel and machines (whilst flying) - no 6 Issue Section

Example of Army Form W 3347 - Royal Flying Corps Report on Casualties to Personnel and Machines (when flying). This was for a 6 Squadron Bristol FB2 Fighter that crashed on landing at Sart aerodrome, a few months before 6 Squadron was sent out to Iraq. Note the signature of the OC 6 Squadron, Major G C Pirie

Photograph of RE8 A3552 used for training at Wye aerodrome, taken by Lt D S 'Jimmy' Glover in May 1917, just before he was posted overseas to 6 Squadron as a pilot at Abeele. He served with the squadron from June to August 1917 when he was injured in a crash. Copyright Rob Glover.

A second photo of an RE8 A3552, taken by Lt D S 'Jimmy' Glover. Copyright Rob Glover

View of the instruments in the pilot's cockpit of a Royal Aircraft Factory RE8

Flight Lieutenant D S 'Jimmy' Glover as Flight Commander in 31 Training Depot Station at Fowlmere, after being invalided out of 6 Squadron and finishing his time as a Training Instructor at Wyton. Copyright Rob Glover

Bristol Scout - identity and location unknown. Photograph taken in 1917 by Lt D S 'Jimmy' Glover. Copyright Rob Glover

The menu and signatures of the Warrant Officers and Sergeants of 6 Squadron RFC on a hand-drawn menu for the New Year's dinner 31st December 1917. Note that my grandfather Fred Johnstone (see signature 'J' for Johnny Johnstone) attended, even though he was only a corporal. Fred is the main character in 'For God, England & Ethel'.

This photograph was taken by Lt D S 'Jimmy' Glover outside the dugout he shared with Lt O L Burt on 21st July 1917 at Abeele, two days before Lt Burt was killed in his RE8 A4197 along with his observer, Lt M W Briscoe. Copyright Rob Glover

The Crossley tender of Lt O L Burt breaks down at Fletre in Northern France, 6 1/2 km south of the aerodrome at Abeele in July 1917. Photo probably taken by Lt D S 'Jimmy' Glover. Copyright Rob Glover

Lt A L Tyler, often the observer who flew with Lt D S 'Jimmy' Glover, pilot with 6 Squadron RFC during July and August 1917. Copyright Rob Glover

This photo was taken in August 1917 by Lt D S 'Jimmy' Glover, pilot in 6 Squadron RFC

View looking north on Abeele aerodrome, home to 6 Squadron RFC

Photo taken in Rouen during 1917 by Lt D S 'Jimmy' Glover, pilot with 6 Squadron RFC. The SS Britannic was later hit by a mine in the Mediterranean and sunk.

This photo was taken in July 1917 of Lt D S 'Jimmy' Glover, newly posted to 6 Squadron RFC. Copyright Rob Glover

This Be2c was presented to 6 Squadron on the 18th October 1915

A photo of the DH2 scouts of 29 Squadron, which shared Abeele aerodrome with 6 Squadron from 15/04/16 to 23/10/16

Air Mechanic George Charles Bradbury of 6 Squadron sitting in the pilot's cockpit of an RE8. The photo was taken at Abeele some time in 1917. He was killed in a bombing raid on Abeele aerodrome on 31st October 1917.

This is an FE8 scout of 41 Squadron Royal Flying Corps coming in to land at Abeele, an aerodrome it shared with 6 Squadron. The photo was taken in the first half of 1917

A group photo of 6 Squadron air mechanics, take at Abeele in 1917 (including Fred from my book 'For God, England & Ethel')

Train at Hazebrouck station, photograph taken by Lt D S 'Jimmy' Glover of 6 Squadron RFC in August 1917, only a matter of days before he crashed and spent three months in hospital before returning to Wyton as a Training Schools Instructor

The pilots and observers from one of 6 Squadron flights (plus Sergeant Major Lye - middle row 2nd from right and OC Major Archibald James - middle row 6th from right)

Visit to Wytschaete Ridge (battery line) by Lt D S Glover 6 Squadron RFC in July 1917. Copyright Rob Glover

Official artillery spotting photograph used by 6 Squadron pilot Lt D S 'Jimmy' Glover for a 'shoot' near Zandvoorde in July 1917. Copyright Rob Glover

The squadron's commanding officer at the time, Major Archibald James, is sitting third from the left.

This official photo was taken at Abeele. Note that it is the same location (and background scenic cloth) used for the photo of the Wireless flight, taken two years later! A youthful Flt Sgt Pennock is sitting cross-legged on the left

Group photo of 6 Squadron officers, taken in Iraq mid 1919. Copyright F T Russell

Group photo of all 6 Squadron officers, taken in France. Copyright Flight Magazine

This photo is one of several official photos taken at Abeele on 25th July 1916. My grandfather, Corporal Fred Johnstone is circled.

The date this photograph was taken is unknown, though most likely around 1916

This photo was taken on the aerodrome at Abeele. George Bradbury is standing second from the left.

This photo was taken at Abeele in 1917. Note that three of the men here were identified in the soccer team photo. They are: On Propeller - L Hobson Hughes, Leaning Against Engine - Flt Sgt Pennock, 2nd and 3rd from left, standing - A/M Cresswick, Sgt Growdy

This is the official photo used by Lieutenant D S Glover on his first artillery 'shoot' near Hollebeke (Ypres) in June 1917. Copyright Rob Glover

Photograph taken by the pilot of an RE8, Captain D S Glover, off the starboard bow, with Ypres circled. Copyright Rob Glover

Photograph taken by Captain D S Glover. Copyright Rob Glover

Photo taken from the top of a bus in the Strand by Captain D S Glover. Copyright Rob Glover

Photo taken by Captain D S Glover from the top of a bus in the Strand (near Charing Cross Hospital)