6 Squadron RAF, Ma'Asker & Habbaniya Cemeteries
RAF Hinaidi Operations - 1935
This diagram of the RAF Hinaidi Cantonment was included in a 1935 pamphlet produced by the Royal Air Force for British Forces in Iraq, entitled "An Introduction to Iraq". The document is currently owned by James Offer but originally belonged to his uncle, Wing Commander Aubrey Rickards, who served in Iraq as the Officer Commanding 55 Squadron. James has kindly given me permission to reproduce selected pages of the pamphlet on my website as they give an insight into the day to day life British servicemen and civilian contractors (men and women) experienced whilst serving in Baghdad 'between the wars'.
Click on any of the links below to see selected pages of "An Introduction to Iraq"
6 Squadron spent more than seven years in total at RAF Hinaidi, from September 1919 until May 1924 and then from October 1926 until October 1929. Cliker HERE for its story.