Steve Johnson
Apr 11, 2014
6 Squadron Royal Air Force 100th Birthday Typhoon Markings
Fresh paint job on the canard wings of a 6 Squadron Royal Air Force Typhoon to celebrate 100 years since the squadron was formed.

Steve Johnson
Apr 11, 2014
New Paint Job for 6 Squadron Royal Air Force Typhoon!
To celebrate the 100th birthday of 6 Squadron Royal Air Force, one of the squadron's Typhoons received a unique paint job.

Steve Johnson
Apr 11, 2014
Hurricane 2d Takes Past in Fly-Past
A newly-restored Hurricane 2d of the Battle of Britain Flight joins 6 Squadron Royal Air Force in Celebrating its 100th birthday, flying...

Steve Johnson
Apr 11, 2014
Typhoon Flypast for 6 Squadron 100th Birthday
Flight of Typhoons join the Battle of Britain Hurricane in a flypast over Leuchars to celebrate the 100th birthday of 6 Squadron Royal...

Steve Johnson
Apr 11, 2014
6 Squadron Royal Air Force 100th Birthday Parade
Parade with pipe band for 6 Squadron Royal Air Force 100th birthday at Leuchars in Scotland.